In 2015 the summer camp was hosted by Swedish Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige and held at Vildmarksgymnasiet in Unnaryd in Sweden for the third International Asatru Summer Camp organised by Asatru-Eu Network. Around 120 heathens gathered at magic meadows, weaving a strong net of friendship through religion and spirituality.
IASC 2015 Program
-Why heathenry cannot be secular -Ancestors -Forn Sidr and the Rights of Nature
-The Soul of the Land -Cosmology of Seidr: a new academic study
– Introduction Project Blot Experiences -Sense and non-sense of historical research
-What’s in a name?’ -How the ancestors perceived the names of the gods
-Bronze-casting -Runic Constellations -Stick Spinning
-Frey’s Mysteries -Asatru and history -The World Tree: a cosmic and inner axis
-Hear the gods through theatre or experience the gods through theatre
Religious practice
-Morning Meditation -Opening Ceremony -Shamanic practise
-Seidr: Flame of Frith -German blót -Danisch blót
-Frensh blót -Solberg blót -Bifrost anno 1996 blót
-Spanisch blót -Singing Circle -Big Wednesday blót
-Singing bowl meditation: Nine Worlds -Spá-ritual / Hjalle sitting -Closing Ceremony
-Frigga’s Famous Powersinging
Childrens program
-Cookie baking -Needle Felting -Glass painting
-Mjödhammen Mead Tasting -Surströmmingshelgd -Wednesday Gille -Festive Dinner
-Movies: The Wicker Man -Friday Fair with auction -Play: Quest for the Thingy
-Friday Party -Excursion to archeological sites
For all the inside information, impressions, stories and happenings get the IASC 2009 Heralds
#5 Pre IASC 2015 Herald (link)
#6 Post IASC 2015 Herald (link)